BEN Training Programme

Training Course 01

Module 1

Date and Time
Saturday, 9 June 2018, 08:30-16:15

Kiril I Metodi 120, 6th floor, Sofia

This 1/2-day training course is based on several years of experience working on international development projects, dealing with public sector agencies and NGOs, with a focus on inclusion, participation, social development, etc. Although the course is inspired by work on the whole project cycle, the focus is on the implementation and evaluation of such investment operations, more generally on policies, programes, and projects. The training course aims to give a brief introduction to some of the basics of evaluation, in terms of ideas, rationale, terminology, and approaches. Furthermore, there will be a focus on the practice, that is, how to do evaluation. This will be done partly by presenting general approaches, in terms of steps of how to do an evaluation, and partly through case studies. Literature on evaluation is available here: Participants will receive a diploma. The diplomas contain a unique ID number that will be published on BEN’s website as proof that the training course was followed. More specialized and advanced courses that will be given later will build upon this course.

What to Do if Interested
Read the course Description (link below), download the Registration form (link below), fill in the Registration form (using a computer), print it, sign it, scan it, and submit it to Then wait for confirmation if there are free spaces, together with instruction on how to pay.

Lars Soeftestad - Email:, Mobile: 0877 150 650 
